Get peace of mind when redirecting your domains without the burden of hosting them. We handle the redirecting process with full HTTPS support and API compatibility. Enter your domain names and we’ll take care of the rest. is a Software as a Service (SaaS) platform that specializes in simplifying and speeding up the process of setting up domain redirects. It serves as a hosting provider for your redirects, ensuring a hassle-free experience with comprehensive HTTPS support for all redirects. Below are the key features and functionalities of

  1. Automatic HTTPS SSL for All Redirects: The service automatically sets up an SSL certificate for your domains, ensuring that redirection with HTTPS is seamlessly handled. This means users don’t have to worry about the complexities involved in SSL certificate management​​.

  2. Easy DNS Setup: offers straightforward, step-by-step instructions for DNS setup, making it accessible for users without a technical background. This feature simplifies the often-complicated process of configuring DNS settings​​.

  3. Full Redirect Management: Users can enjoy full redirect management including automated SSL certificate issuance and renewal. Additionally, the platform provides insightful analytics and reports, along with high-level security, ensuring comprehensive management of all redirect activities​​.

  4. Email Forwarding: The platform allows setting up domains to automatically forward wildcard or specific aliases, streamlining the domain migration process on a single platform​​.

  5. Global Network: With multiple Points of Presence (POPs) around the globe, delivers redirects extremely quickly, enhancing the overall efficiency of the redirection process​​.

  6. Additional Features: The platform also offers a range of advanced features like API integration for automatic redirect creation, dynamic destinations for traffic steering based on rules, path forwarding for smooth domain migration, query parameter forwarding, multiple redirect types, and team management capabilities​​.

  7. UX-Friendly Interface for Import and Export: provides a user-friendly interface for managing redirects, allowing users to import and export redirects without losing time, thereby enhancing efficiency and user experience​​.

  8. Tags and Bulk Actions: Users can group their redirects by adding tags for better organization and use bulk actions to apply the same action to multiple redirects simultaneously, further simplifying redirect management​​​​.

  9. User-Friendly Options: The service includes options like dark mode, the ability to change destination URLs in real-time, and support for Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) with non-Latin characters. These features cater to a wide range of user preferences and requirements​​​​​​.

  10. Customer Support: offers customer support to help users set up their accounts and answer any questions they may have, ensuring a smooth user experience​​.

In conclusion, positions itself as a comprehensive, user-friendly, and efficient platform for managing domain redirects. It combines ease of use with advanced features, making it a valuable tool for individuals and businesses looking to streamline their redirect setup and management.


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