
We help tech startups launch and grow their affiliate program by providing all the necessary tools such as autopayouts, automatic tracking via Stripe, Paddle and Chargebee, fully white-label affiliate portal and more!

Tolt is an affiliate marketing software engineered to cater to the needs of SaaS startups. It serves as an all-in-one solution for companies looking to implement and manage their own affiliate and referral programs. With seamless integrations for payment processors like Stripe, Paddle, and Chargebee, Tolt simplifies the process of tracking and rewarding affiliate-driven customer acquisitions.

The platform is designed to automate payouts using PayPal and Wise, thus eliminating the manual labor involved in dispersing affiliate earnings. Tolt also offers a customizable affiliate portal, enabling startups to maintain their branding across all touchpoints.

Tolt’s user-friendly dashboard allows for straightforward management of affiliate activities, including invitations, tracking, and oversight of referrals with minimal effort. The dashboard also provides actionable insights into affiliate performance metrics, assisting in the strategic growth of the program.

Tolt encourages growth through partnerships with influential affiliates, aiming to enhance market reach and escalate lead generation and sales. This growth is achieved with minimal oversight, as Tolt’s affiliate programs are designed to operate autonomously, allowing for continuous promotion of your product.

The platform boasts a competitive edge with a branded user interface, no commission fees, and an array of pricing options. It offers two-way synchronization with major payment processors, the choice to manually approve affiliates, and targeted email notifications, all while providing precise tracking for your app’s root and subdomains.

Tolt prides itself on facilitating an increase in monthly recurring revenue through efficient affiliate marketing. It stands out as an affordable and effective tool for startups of varying sizes and is celebrated as a top-tier affiliate software for SaaS companies.

Tolt’s commitment to customer satisfaction is evident in their offer to demonstrate the software through personalized demo calls, ensuring potential users can experience the functionality and benefits firsthand before making a commitment.

For SaaS startups ready to expand their marketing efforts, Tolt offers a quick and straightforward setup, promising a launch time of just 15 minutes, and positions itself as a pivotal resource for growth-driven companies.


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